My baby is one month old today! I can't believe how time flies! I am finding that I am eating many of the words I said before I had a child. I always laughed at those moms that said things like, "I wish my baby would just stop growing...time goes too fast!" Now I am one of those moms! Last week at E's 3 week appointment she measured in at 21.5 inches and 8 pounds 14 ounces. She is becoming a chunk (at least in her cheeks and chins!). She is becoming more and more aware of sounds and will respond to my voice (which I love!). She is doing better in the nights...meaning she actually goes back to sleep after her 2-3 feedings. Sadly her hair is thinning out, but we know that more luxurious locks are to come. E has the strongest neck of any little baby I know. We've decided that it is a Burden trait as all of the other grandkids have been able to hold their heads up very early as well. We love every inch of this cute little girl! I just got a new camera and have just barely figured out how to get the pictures from it to my computer. Here are some pictures of her last few weeks of life.

This last one is totally for the grandparents!

Wow, I can't believe she's already 1 month old! Time flies by faster the older you get, I'm telling you! So watch out! LOL! She's adorable...and by the time we get to see her she'll be walking! haha! Love ya dani!
IT does go by fast seriously! She is so cute!
She is absolutely adorable!!!!! I can't wait....
can you get here by Tuesday night?! jk. Maybe at least Wednesday? Do I sound like I am begging, because I AM!!! love ya!
Can't wait to see her again I'm missing her already!!
Love Kelsa
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