Fast forward a few months and you get trying really hard to suck in my belly and straighten my back. I've started "filling out" in the face and my hair is insane (story to come). It must mean that my "baby is getting huge!" as one of my students told me on Friday. I know the dress is also a little unflattering but at this point I am going for comfort entirely! Hopefully the next time I want a picture taken Steve will not be at work so he can do it for me! The self timer thing is really frustrating!
I have really had a fairly easy pregnancy, not much to complain about. My hormone levels and emotional state have been pretty even keeled. But this week I was allowed my one moment of "temporary pregnancy insanity" (as coined by Steve). My sister, Michelle, cut my hair last week and also cut some long bangs. On Monday night I looked in the mirror and decided I wanted shorter bangs so I cut (more like hacked) them. My sister found out and asked my mom, "Who gave her scissors?" I tried to justify it by saying that everyone tries to cut their own hair at some point. My mom said, "Yeah, you just decided to wait until you were 23." Now I look like a 10 year old pregnant girl and this is how I get to look for all of the pictures that are to come in the next month. I'm hoping they grow out enough to at least make me look 15 or 16...
You are still looking cute! I remember when I was pregnant and I would look at old pictures and think...I will never be skinny ever again. I got your baby shower invite and am excited to come and see you!
I just remember being a really nice person my whole pregnancy! Ha ha!!! Completely kidding...Tom can vouch for that. I had one of those pregnancy moments when I signed up for 17 credit hours and worked part-time all during my first and second trimesters. I don't really know how I passed when I wasn't in class half the time, but somehow I did.
And I know you feel very pregnant, but you make quite a cute pregnant lady!! I hope these last few weeks fly by (I know they won't but we can always hope!).
The bangs don't look as bad as I imagined! Think back to about 1991 and barbies!
love ya!!!
they don't look bad at all!! but, you are definitely pregnant because it seems like the world is ending when something like that happens! i did the same thing about 6 weeks after i had my baby max. i was dying to change my hair so i decided to cut my bangs and it was horrible. the hormones were all still a mess so obviously i was way down about the whole thing. the good thing is that everything turns out in the end and eventually you'll be yourself again!!
this is kami (field) larsen from high school by the way :)
Oh my gosh, this is way too funny! I was almost in tears from laughing so hard. Well, I tried trimming my bangs last year on my own for the first time (didn't go so well). When that baby comes the 10 yr old haircut and swollen body will all have been worth it :o) I think you look beautiful!
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