This girl is such a doll! We have had a blast watching her learn and grow over the last year.
She literally woke up smiling on her birthday. This is a face that we see very often.
Here are some tidbits about Sweet Pea on her first birthday:
*She pulls herself to a stand on anything and everything
*She can cruise along couches and tables, she even uses our kitchen chairs and bar stools as walkers
*She is a champion stair climber but still thinks it's a good idea to go down the stairs face first
*She just figured out how to climb up on to our couch
*She can say mama, dada, hi, and "mo" for more food
*She loves to sing Patty Cake and Popcorn Popping
*She has some sweet dance moves
*She eats pretty much everything we put in front of her and loves it, in fact she cries every time she finishes her meal regardless of how much we have given her to eat
*Her favorite foods are: oatmeal with yogurt, all fruit, spaghetti,
*She is a mama's girl through and through but will take daddy pretty happily too
*She sleeps through the night, although getting to sleep is a bit of a struggle most nights
*She loves to look through books by herself, but gets really wiggly when I try to read to her
*She still has such a sweet disposition, however she has recently discovered her scream. Oh boy, is it loud and shrill!
*At her one year appointment she was weighed and measured and found out that she is extra tiny (aside from her noggin) and has gone down on the growth charts. We have to keep an eye on her weight this month and reweigh her in a couple of weeks. Hopefully we can fatten her up a bit!
Just like Miss E we celebrated her first birthday with spaghetti for dinner and donuts for dessert. She was in heaven!
Miss E was very happy with the birthday spread.
Sweet Pea loved the donut so much she tried to shove the whole thing into her mouth at one time. Luckily mom and dad were there to swipe out the mass of dough!
I just love this little girl to bits and feel so blessed to be her mama!
One Year Stats:
Weight: 18.10 lbs 29th %ile
Height: 29.5 inches 58th %ile
Head Circumference: 47 cm 93 %ile