January 21, 2013
After dropping Steve's parents off at the MTC Steve and I wanted to take the girls to BYU. We knew Miss E would love the bookstore and we really wanted to show them around campus. Unfortunately we forgot that it was Martin Luther King day so the bookstore was closed. It also happened to be well below freezing so it was much too uncomfortable to take a leisurely stroll outside. Instead, we decided to do what we do best...EAT. Luckily the Creamery was open so we got some yummy burgers, fries, and ice cream.
On our way home we stopped at the outlets at Traverse Mountain in Lehi. Again, it was way too cold to be outside, so we quickly ran in to a few stores that had things we needed and then ran back to the car, faces freezing! It was a fun day but it left us wanting to go back on a day when it is a bit warmer.
5 days ago